Tämä sivusto on beta-versiossa ja saattaa sisältää virheellistä tietoa.

This website is in beta and may contain wrong infromation.

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Get all your company's IT services affordably under the same roof!

  • Websites
  • Servers
  • Maintenance
  • IT Support

Outsource your IT services to us and focus on what you do the best.

Contact Us

Or do-it-yourself

If you already have things under control, you can use our easy-to-use services.

Web Hosting

Starting from a free package!

Fast and reliable web hosting with exceptional support. Unleash your website's potential.

Game Servers

From only 5€ a month

Create your own game server and play with your friends. Create your own rules and have fun!

Virtual Private Servers

From 7€ a month.

Strong virtual private servers give you better performance with complete control.

Our Values

These three are our main values we keep in mind.

Customer Orientation

We prioritize excellent customer service through quality products, expert guidance, and prompt assistance to build strong relationships.


We sell products that are not toys. They are strong tools and services that should be high-quality. We don't sell garbage, not now, not ever.


We offer an easy to use environment with easy to use services. We also provide instructions for using the services.


We have a lot of success stories from our customers!

Anne Laukkanen avatar
Anne LaukkanenDirector of Administration, City of Valkeakoski
Jonina Vaahtolammi avatar
Jonina VaahtolammiCoordinator, Finnish Local Heritage Federation
Pyry Ikonen avatar
Pyry IkonenPuheenjohtaja, SYNTAKSI ry


ValkeakoskiSuomen KotiseutuliittoNuortenkoskiSYNTAKSI ry